Regular eye exams are essential at every stage of life when it comes to maintaining good vision and overall eye health. Whether caring for young children, managing your vision needs, or supporting older family members, understanding how oft
Different Ways To Test For Age-Related Macular Degeneration Ophthalmoscopy. An ophthalmoscope examines the interior of the eye and is commonly used in every eye exam. This device uses mirrors to reflect light into the eye so that the opt
While AMD is common, it is also very serious; it is the leading cause of severe vision loss in the developed world according to the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. Being that it is a subtle yet progressive disease, if not caught early en
Macular degeneration is an age-related vision impairment that causes you to lose clear vision in the central part of your eye. As the name implies, this is an age related eye disease that most commonly affects those aged 50 and older, but c
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a permanent and irreversible eye condition. Once contracted, your central vision will become increasingly blurry and distorted. In rare cases, you may even develop permanent blind spots. AM
Your eyes are probably not what they used to be when you were younger. You may feel that they are getting tired quicker, that they are less sensitive to light, and that you can no longer distinguish colours as clearly. But your vis
Maintaining eye health and proper vision care is critical to healthy aging. As we age, the risk to our vision increases, but these changes do not have to affect your lifestyle. Knowing when to seek professional eye help can ensure you safeg
Cataract symptoms can begin as subtle, and you may not notice them or find them alarming at first. What starts as routinely needing to turn up the brightness on a cell phone or tablet, or perhaps a hazy view of your morning coffee as your s
Glaucoma is often referred to as the "silent thief of vision" due to its ability to cause damage to the optic nerve without any symptoms. But there are some signs you can keep an eye out for when it comes to this disease. Here is
Growing older can sometimes lead to changes in your eyesight or eye health. But there some simple things you can do to help prevent age-related eye problems from cropping up. Here are three of them. Our golden years are supposed to be
As we get older, the threat to our vision increases. Here's how annual senior eye exams can help minimize that threat and stop vision loss in its tracks. The statistics surrounding older people and vision loss are clear and s
By the time they reach age 65, roughly one out of every three Canadians will suffer from a vision-threatening or vision-impairing eye condition. Here's what you can do to stop yourself, or an ageing loved one, from falling victim to the