
What Is Ortho-K?

Ortho-K, short for Orthokeratology or Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT), is an innovative non-surgical method for reducing myopia and providing freedom from glasses or contact lenses during the day. This revolutionary treatment involves wearing specially designed contact lenses overnight that gently reshape the cornea. By morning, the cornea temporarily retains the new shape, resulting in clear vision throughout the day without the need for visual aids.

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Ortho-K treatment is tailored to each patient's eye structure and vision needs. Through comprehensive assessments and measurements of myopia, astigmatism, and corneal topography, custom-made lenses are crafted to precisely conform to the cornea during overnight wear. This treatment is Health Canada and FDA-approved, and its effectiveness is monitored using advanced corneal mapping and imaging technology.

With a customized treatment plan designed by the experienced optometrists and contact lens teams at My Optometrist Calgary, Ortho-K offers a safe and effective alternative for those seeking myopia reduction and enhanced visual freedom. Patients can experience the joy of clear vision all day without the inconvenience of eyeglasses or contact lenses.

ORTHO-K FACT #1: ORTHO-K Treatment Is Non-Surgical Unlike traditional refractive surgeries such as LASIK or PRK, which involve permanent alteration of the cornea, Ortho-K uses specially designed contact lenses to temporarily reshape the cornea. This makes it an attractive option for individuals who are hesitant about surgical procedures or prefer a reversible solution.

What Is Myopia?

What Is Myopia?

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a refractive error that affects the eye's ability to focus on distant objects clearly. People with myopia experience clear vision up close but struggle with blurry distance vision. This condition occurs when the shape of the eye causes light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. Myopia can develop during childhood and typically worsens as a person grows. Factors such as genetics, environmental factors (like excessive near work or limited outdoor activities), and prolonged screen time can contribute to the development and progression of myopia. 

ORTHO-K FACT #2: Your Ortho-K Treatment Plan Is Just For You Ortho-K treatment is tailored to each patient's unique eye structure and vision needs. Through precise measurements and assessments, including corneal topography, the lenses are custom-made to conform to your cornea during overnight wear. This personalized approach ensures optimal vision correction and reduces the risk of complications, making Ortho-K a safe and effective solution.

The Amazing Science Behind Ortho-K Treatment

The Amazing Science Behind Ortho-K Treatment

Orthokeratology is rooted in the science of corneal reshaping. The cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, plays a crucial role in focusing light onto the retina to produce clear vision. Myopia occurs when the cornea is too curved or the eyeball is too long, causing light to focus in front of the retina.

Ortho-K leverages the principle of corneal reshaping to correct myopia. Custom-designed rigid gas-permeable contact lenses are worn during sleep, applying gentle and controlled pressure on the cornea. This pressure temporarily flattens and reshapes the cornea, altering its refractive power. By morning, the cornea retains the new shape, allowing light to focus precisely on the retina and providing clear vision throughout the day.

Corneal topography and measurements guide the customization of Ortho-K lenses. These measurements capture the unique contours of the cornea, ensuring precise lens design and proper corneal reshaping. Ongoing monitoring with corneal mapping technology helps assess the treatment's effectiveness and enables adjustments as needed.

Ortho-K combines the understanding of corneal biomechanics and optics to offer a non-surgical, reversible, and personalized approach to myopia correction.


Our team of experienced optometrists and eye care specialists can determine if Ortho-K is a suitable option for your specific needs.

Let Your Kid Be A Kid

ORTHO-K FACT #3: Ortho-K Treatment Controls Myopia Progression Ortho-K treatment not only provides temporary vision correction but also has the potential to slow down the progression of myopia. Research suggests that Ortho-K may help in controlling the elongation of the eye and reducing the rate at which myopia worsens in children and young adults. By addressing myopia at an early stage, Ortho-K offers a proactive approach to managing and potentially slowing down the progression of this common refractive error.

Steps To Next-Day Clear Vision with Ortho-K Treatments
Comprehensive Assessment
Step 1 - Comprehensive Assessment

Our experienced optometrists will conduct a comprehensive eye exam, including measurements of your myopia, astigmatism, and cornea. This data enables us to design contact lenses that will precisely conform to your cornea during overnight wear.

Corneal Topography
Step 2 - Corneal Topography

To monitor your progress and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment, we utilize advanced corneal mapping and imaging technology called Corneal Topography. This non-invasive technique provides detailed measurements of your cornea's shape and allows us to assess your vision status over time.

Custom Fitting
Step 3 - Custom Fitting

During the initial custom fitting period, our team will guide you through wearing, handling, and caring for your Ortho-K lenses. It is crucial to follow all instructions and attend regular contact lens assessment appointments to ensure the best outcomes.

Ongoing Management
Step 4 - Ongoing Management

Ortho-K treatment requires ongoing management to maintain the desired vision correction and monitor any changes. We recommend annual or semi-annual examinations to assess and adjust the treatment plan as necessary. Our experienced opticians and support staff will be here to assist you throughout this journey.

Ortho-K for Kids: A Brighter Outlook on Myopia Control

Ortho-K for Kids: A Brighter Outlook on Myopia Control

Ortho-K treatment is a safe and effective option for children with myopia. Ortho-K can be life changing for your little one; addressing this refractive error while potentially slowing down its progression. Here are some key benefits of Ortho-K treatment for children:

  • Myopia Control: Ortho-K has shown promise in controlling the progression of myopia in children. By reshaping the cornea, Ortho-K reduces the elongation of the eyeball, which is associated with myopia progression. Slowing down the progression of myopia during childhood can have long-term benefits for eye health and reduce the risk of associated eye conditions.
  • Visual Freedom: Ortho-K allows children to enjoy clear vision throughout the day without the need for glasses or daytime contact lenses. This can greatly enhance their quality of life, particularly in activities like sports, where glasses may be cumbersome or contact lenses may cause discomfort.
  • Safety and Reversibility: Ortho-K treatment is safe for children when supervised by a qualified eye care professional. The non-surgical nature of Ortho-K and the fact that it is a reversible process make it an appealing option for parents who may have concerns about surgical procedures or permanent corneal alterations.

Compliance and Monitoring
As with any eye care therapy, a comprhensive treatment plan in collaboration with your optometrist is critical for the most optimal outcomes. Successful Ortho-K treatment in children requires their commitment to wearing and caring for the lenses as instructed. Regular follow-up visits withyour optometrist are crucial to monitor the progress of the treatment, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure the overall eye health of the child.

Let Your Kid Be A Kid
Ortho-K treatment for children can provide clear vision, potentially slow down myopia progression, and allow your child the freedom to enjoy life… as a kid. Our team of experienced optometrists and eye care specialists can determine if Ortho-K is a suitable option for your child's specific needs

Orthokeratology Specialists

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Ortho-K is considered a safe treatment when performed and monitored by a qualified eye care professional. The contact lenses used in Ortho-K are Health Canada and FDA-approved and made from highly breathable materials, allowing oxygen to reach the cornea during overnight wear. Adhering to proper hygiene practices and following the care instructions provided by the eye care professional is crucial to minimize any potential risks associated with contact lens use.

Ortho-K is an effective option for many individuals with myopia, but its suitability depends on various factors. Factors such as the degree of myopia, corneal health, and overall eye health need to be assessed by our optometrists. The commitment to wearing and caring for the lenses as directed is crucial for successful results. Children, teenagers, and adults can benefit from Ortho-K, but it is essential to have a comprehensive evaluation by an experienced optometrist to determine if it is the right choice for your specific needs.


Research suggests that Ortho-K may help slow down the progression of myopia in children. The corneal reshaping effect of Ortho-K is believed to reduce the elongation of the eyeball, which is associated with myopia progression. By providing clear vision and potentially controlling the growth of the eye, Ortho-K has shown promise in managing myopia in children. However, it is important to note that individual results may vary, and long-term studies are still ongoing to determine the full extent of Ortho-K's impact on myopia progression. Regular monitoring and follow-up visits with an eye care professional are necessary to assess the treatment's effectiveness.

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