How Senior Eye Exams Can Stop Vision Loss in Its Tracks

December 24, 2020

As we get older, the threat to our vision increases. Here's how annual senior eye exams can help minimize that threat and stop vision loss in its tracks. 

The statistics surrounding older people and vision loss are clear and sobering. By the time they reach 65, one in nine Canadians will have developed irreversible vision loss. By age 75, this number increases to one in four. 

The best way to minimize your risk of ending up a statistic is to have annual eye exams, allowing you to receive advanced vision care and reduce the harmful effects ageing has on your eyes. Through this, you can keep your quality of life high as you enjoy your golden years and hard-earned retirement.

We're Open Again!

Looking for a comprehensive eye exam in Calgary or Three Hills? My Optometrist Calgary has you covered! We're happy to announce that we are once again fully open following our brief closure due to the initial outbreak of COVID-19. We’ve taken the necessary precautions to ensure our customers and staff remain safe given these still uncertain times, and are looking forward to seeing all our amazing patients again safely in person. Contact us today to book a comprehensive eye exam appointment in Calgary or Three Hills, and let's make sure you're still seeing clearly during this hazy period.


How Senior Eye Exams Can Stop Vision Loss in Its Tracks

Many eye diseases that seniors are more prone to suffering initially develop without any signs or symptoms. This is why it's so vital to detect these diseases early on through the use of annual eye exams. By detecting eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic eye disease, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD) early on, they can be effectively managed, so their vision-threatening consequences are successfully mitigated. Annual eye exams can also alert you to a whole host of other health concerns, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. 


Seniors Are Covered for Annual Eye Exams in Alberta

Did you know that the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) covers the cost of one complete eye exam, one partial exam, and one diagnostic procedure for those who are 65 or older every year? This means you won't have to contemplate whether you can afford the important eye care your ageing eyes need, which is especially important for those who may find themselves on a fixed income.

When booking your comprehensive senior's eye exam with your Calgary optometrist, just check to see if there are any other additional costs associated with your appointment. They should be able to advise you accordingly.

Vision Loss Can Lead to Other Risks for Seniors

The decreased quality of life that vision loss causes is not the only consequence various age-related eye diseases bring with them. Keeping your vision intact and having healthy eyes is critical as you get older, as vision loss or impairment can increase your risk of suffering other problems such as falls and fractures. 

Seeing as falls and fractures are the main cause of injuries amongst seniors, they present a major threat to their overall independence and well-being. Statistics show that seniors who suffer from some form of low vision are twice as likely to fall than those who don't. Just another reason why getting an annual eye exam and addressing any vision-threatening diseases early on is so critically important for those who are 65 or older. 


Steps Seniors Can Take to Safeguard Their Sight and Prevent Falls

There are some steps and measures you can take to help protect your vision and lower your likelihood of falling. These steps include:

Making sure you properly protect your eyes from the sun is very important for seniors. Much like you would put sunscreen on to protect your skin, wearing sunglasses throughout the year will help reduce your eyes' exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It's believed that many age-related eye diseases may in part be caused by the UV exposure you've been subjected to throughout the course of your life.

See Your Optometrist as Soon as You Notice Changes to Your Vision

The moment you notice any changes to your vision, you should book a comprehensive eye exam with your Calgary optometrist right away. They can quickly and accurately diagnose whatever is happening to your sight or any conditions you might be suffering from, so treatment and management can commence immediately.

The majority of age-related eye diseases and the vision loss they cause are irreversible, but with early detection, they can be effectively managed so your quality of life remains high. Should you have any further questions about what our senior eye exams entail at My Optometrist Calgary, including glaucoma screening, be sure to contact us today.

Call Us Today

If you need a comprehensive senior's eye exam in Calgary or Three Hills, My Optometrist Calgary has you covered with our advanced eye care and experienced optometrists. Contact one of our My Optometrist Calgary clinics at either 403-256-0606 (Health First Optometry), 403-291-0923 (Sunridge Vision Centre), or 403-443-2040 (Three Hills Optometry) and book your appointment today.

Category: Senior Eye Care

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