Better Sleep with Umay REST®

March 15, 2023
Better Sleep with Umay REST®

Sleep is an essential aspect of human health, and it is critical for eye health as well. While we sleep, our bodies undergo several physiological processes that promote healing, repair, and regeneration. These processes are vital for maintaining the health and function of our eyes. Several studies have shown that lack of sleep can lead to a host of eye-related problems, including dry eye syndrome, eye strain, and even more severe conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration. To recognize World Sleep Day, let’s discuss the importance of sleep for eye health and the benefits of using Umay REST® to improve the quality of your sleep.

The Importance Of Sleep For Eye Health

During sleep, our bodies produce melatonin, a hormone that plays a vital role in regulating our circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the internal clock that controls our sleep-wake cycle, and it also affects various other bodily functions, including the production of tears. Melatonin helps regulate the production of tears, which is essential for maintaining the health of our eyes. Without enough tears, our eyes can become dry, itchy, and irritated, leading to various eye-related problems.

Sleep also promotes the production of growth hormones, which are essential for tissue repair and regeneration. Our eyes are constantly exposed to various environmental stressors, such as UV rays and blue light from electronic devices. These stressors can damage the delicate tissues in our eyes, leading to various eye-related problems. However, during sleep, our bodies repair and regenerate these damaged tissues, helping to maintain the health and function of our eyes.

Benefits of Umay REST® for Improving Sleep Quality

Umay REST® is a new technology designed to improve the quality of your sleep. This technology works by using gentle vibrations and soothing heat to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Here are some of the benefits of using Umay REST® to improve your sleep quality:

  1. Reduces Eye Strain
    Umay REST® can help reduce eye strain. Eye strain is a common problem that affects many people, especially those who spend long hours working on computers or other electronic devices. Umay REST® uses gentle vibrations to massage the muscles around your eyes, reducing tension and strain. This can help alleviate eye fatigue, dryness, and other eye-related problems.
  2. Improves Sleep Quality
    Using Umay REST® is that it can improve the quality of your sleep. This technology uses a combination of gentle vibrations and soothing heat to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. The vibrations work by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, while the heat helps to soothe your body and mind, creating a comfortable sleeping environment.
  3. Reduces Anxiety and Stress
    Anxiety and stress can make it challenging to fall asleep and stay asleep. Umay REST® can help reduce anxiety and stress by promoting relaxation and reducing tension. The gentle vibrations and soothing heat can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.
  4. Enhances Melatonin Production
    Melatonin is a hormone that plays a vital role in regulating our sleep-wake cycle and promoting the production of tears. Umay REST® can help enhance melatonin production by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. This can help regulate your sleep-wake cycle and promote the production of tears, which is essential for maintaining the health of your eyes.

Better Sleep With Umay REST® At My Optometrist Calgary

Quality sleep is vital for promoting eye health, and inadequate sleep can cause various eye-related issues. Umay REST® is an innovative technology that can help improve the quality of your sleep and alleviate eye strain, anxiety, and stress. By using Umay REST®, you can create a comfortable sleeping environment, enhance melatonin production, and promote the repair and regeneration of your eyes' delicate tissues, leading to better eye health and overall well-being.

Another critical component of maintaining optimal eye health is regular, comprehensive eye exams with your optometrist. Our team is experienced in assessing comprehensive eye health and determining effective treatment strategies to address all eye care and vision care concerns. We use state-of-the-art equipment for assessments and treatment, including advanced technologies like Umay REST®. To book an eye exam with one of our eye doctors, or to find out more about Umay REST®, contact My Optometrist at one of our three locations at Health First in SE Calgary, Sunridge in NE Calgary, or Three Hills, AB. You can also call us or fill out the online contact form.


Q: Can I order Umay REST® online?
A: You can purchase Umay REST® directly through our website and in any of our locations.

Q: Is there a difference between a vision assessment and an eye exam?
A: Yes. A vision assessment can be done by a trained screener and does not require an optometrist or ophthalmologist to conduct the test. Vision assessments only determine what prescription you may need for lenses and do not assess any other aspects of your eye health. A comprehensive eye exam can only be performed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist and evaluates both the internal and external parts of the eye to detect common eye diseases. At My Optometrist, we perform both vision assessments and eye exams at the same time so that we can ensure you can see well and your eye health is properly cared for.

Q: What happens at an eye exam?
A: A comprehensive adult eye exam (for those between 19 and 64 years of age) at My Optometrist Calgary includes:

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