5 Types of Glaucoma Screening Test

July 23, 2021

You may have heard of Glaucoma, but what exactly is it and how can you screen for it? Anyone can be diagnosed with this degenerative eye disease, but there are certain groups of people who are at a higher risk. It is incredibly important to be tested for this eye disease, especially once you reach the age of 40.

Your Optometrist will use five tests to identify the signs of glaucoma and, as with all eye diseases, early detection is your best chance for a good outcome. Today we will explore glaucoma and the tests used to screen for it.

Signs and Symptoms of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a term used for a group of eye disorders that can cause a number of issues such as:

Some types of glaucoma may go undetected for long periods of time because symptoms are not always apparent or obvious. The best way to detect this leading cause of blindness* is with these routine eye examinations offered by your eye doctor.

5 Ways Your Optometrist Will Test for Glaucoma

There are some tests that are part of a routine eye examination that can help screen for glaucoma, and there are some that will be used if your eyevcare professional has a concern that glaucoma may be present. It is important to properly assess all parts of the eye, and your optometry team may choose to complete all five types of tests if you are at higher risk for glaucoma or if they have any concerns.

Calgary Glaucoma Screening Clinics

These specialized tests will help keep your eyes healthy and when used as part of a regular eye exam, your Optometrist will be able to detect any early signs of glaucoma.
The team at My Optometrist Calgary has three locations that offer glaucoma screenings and other eye exams, to protect your ocular health. We have locations in Three Hills, SE and NE Calgary for your convenience. Contact them to book an appointment by calling, or through this website form.


What are the types of glaucoma?
The different types of glaucoma are:

Is there a cure for glaucoma?
Glaucoma is currently an incurable eye disease. Because all vision loss is permanent and cannot be regained, it is important to have regular eye exams so your Calgary eye doctor can watch for signs of glaucoma and catch it early.

Who is at the highest risk for developing glaucoma?
Glaucoma can affect anyone, at any age, but there are certain groups who are at higher risk of developing the condition:

* Glaucoma Facts and Stats- Glaucoma Research Foundation

Category: Glaucoma

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