Advanced Dry Eye Clinic and Ocular Wellness

Advanced Dry Eye Clinic and Ocular Wellness
Advanced Dry Eye Clinic and Ocular Wellness

In an effort to better educate our patients about DES, and to provide the most advanced treatment options for those suffering from the condition, My Optometrist Calgary created the Calgary Dry Eye and Ocular Wellness Clinic. An ocular wellness consultation begins with a thorough review of your eye health concerns, general health, medications and risk factors for DES.

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From there, our doctors perform a series of diagnostic tests to help better determine your level of ocular surface dryness and any related damage. We then work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that may include the following:

  • Artificial tears
  • Lubricating ointments
  • Anti-inflammatory drops
  • Restasis® or Xiidra®
  • Meibomian gland expression
  • Warm compresses
  • Cliradex® cleansing wipes
  • Punctal plugs
  • Nutritional supplements
  • BlephEx®

If you think you may be suffering from DES, we can help. Contact My Optometrist Calgary to schedule an ocular wellness consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a condition that occurs when the eyes are unable to produce enough tears or are unable to produce tears of the right composition. Estimates indicate that 1 in 3 Canadians suffer from the effects of DES. However, the prevalence of DES in Calgary is likely much higher given our dry environment. Symptoms of DES can range from mild irritation, to discomfort so severe that it affects daily activities. Unfortunately, there is no cure for DES, but with proper treatment, symptoms can be effectively managed. To learn more about DES, click here.

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Our Eye Care Professionals are thrilled to serve the Calgary and Three Hills, Alberta area for over 35 years! With our main floor access, vast medical eye care services, and enhanced supplier choice and selection for frames, prescription eyeglass lenses and contact lenses, we've got you covered. Book an appointment online, come see us in person, or shop for your eye care products. Reach out today!

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