Top 5 Myopia Control Options Available in NE Calgary

September 5, 2024
Top 5 Myopia Control Options Available in NE Calgary

Managing myopia is crucial for maintaining good vision health, especially in children & adolescents. At My Optometrist Calgary in NE Calgary, we offer top myopia control options, including Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses, multifocal contact lenses, atropine eye drops, and myopia control glasses. These treatments are designed to slow the progression of myopia & reduce the risk of future eye problems. Additionally, increasing outdoor time & making lifestyle adjustments are essential strategies for preventing myopia development. Each option is tailored to meet individual needs, ensuring effective management of myopia. By taking proactive steps with these myopia control methods, you can protect your vision & maintain eye health for the long term. Schedule your eye exam today to explore the best options for you or your child.

Myopia, commonly known as nearsightedness, is a vision condition that affects a growing number of individuals, especially children and adolescents. In NE Calgary, where screen time and indoor activities are on the rise, managing myopia has become increasingly important. Left unchecked, myopia can progress rapidly, leading to more severe vision problems and an increased risk of eye diseases later in life. At My Optometrist Calgary, we are committed to offering effective myopia control options tailored to the needs of our community. Here are the top five myopia control options available in NE Calgary, designed to help manage and slow the progression of myopia in both children and adults.

1. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K) Lenses

Orthokeratology, commonly referred to as Ortho-K, involves the use of specially designed contact lenses worn overnight. These lenses gently reshape the cornea while you sleep, temporarily correcting myopia so that you can see clearly during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Ortho-K lenses are an excellent option for children and

adolescents because they not only correct vision but also slow the progression of myopia. By reshaping the cornea, Ortho-K reduces the eye's tendency to elongate, which is the primary cause of myopia progression. This non-surgical, reversible treatment is particularly beneficial for active individuals who prefer not to wear glasses during the day. At My Optometrist Calgary, we offer Ortho-K as a safe and effective option for myopia control.

2. Multifocal Contact Lenses

Multifocal contact lenses are another effective option for controlling myopia. These lenses are designed with multiple zones for near, intermediate, and distance vision, helping to reduce eye strain and slow the progression of myopia.

Research has shown that multifocal lenses can significantly slow down the rate of myopia progression in children. By providing clear vision at all distances, these lenses reduce the eye's focus on close-up tasks, which is a key factor in myopia development. Multifocal contact lenses are suitable for older children and teenagers who are comfortable with contact lens wear. They offer the added benefit of being able to participate in sports and other activities without the inconvenience of glasses.


3. Atropine Eye Drops

Atropine eye drops are a pharmacological treatment used to slow the progression of myopia. These drops are typically administered at a very low concentration and work by relaxing the eye muscles, reducing the eye's tendency to elongate.

Studies have shown that low-dose atropine eye drops can effectively slow down myopia progression in children, making them a valuable option for myopia control. The drops are usually applied once a day, and while they do not correct vision directly, they help prevent the worsening of myopia over time. At My Optometrist Calgary, we provide guidance and monitoring for children using atropine eye drops to ensure optimal results and minimize any potential side effects.

4. Myopia Control Glasses

Myopia control glasses are specially designed eyeglasses that help slow the progression of myopia. These glasses use innovative lens technology to create different focal points, reducing the strain on the eyes during close-up activities like reading and screen use.

Myopia control glasses are an excellent option for younger children who may not be ready for contact lenses or pharmacological treatments. These glasses are comfortable to wear and provide clear vision for both distance and near tasks. The lenses are designed to reduce the eye's focus on close-up work, thereby slowing the elongation of the eye. This option is particularly beneficial for children who spend a lot of time engaged in activities that require near vision, such as homework or using digital devices.


5. Increased Outdoor Time and Lifestyle Adjustments

While not a product or treatment, increasing outdoor time and making lifestyle adjustments are critical components of myopia control. Exposure to natural light and engaging in outdoor activities have been shown to reduce the risk of myopia development and progression.

Encouraging children to spend at least 1-2 hours outside each day can have a significant impact on their eye health. Outdoor activities not only provide exposure to natural light but also involve looking at distant objects, which helps prevent the eye from elongating. In addition to outdoor time, limiting screen use and ensuring proper lighting during indoor activities are essential for managing myopia. At My Optometrist Calgary, we offer personalized advice on lifestyle adjustments that can support myopia control efforts.


Managing myopia effectively requires a combination of strategies tailored to the individual’s needs and lifestyle. Orthokeratology lenses, multifocal contact lenses, atropine eye drops, myopia control glasses, and lifestyle adjustments are all effective options available in NE Calgary. At My Optometrist Calgary, we are dedicated to helping our patients and their families understand and manage myopia with the latest treatments and personalized care. By taking proactive steps to control myopia, you can help protect your vision or your child's vision and reduce the risk of more severe eye problems in the future. Schedule your routine eye exam today to explore the best myopia control options for you or your child.


Q: How often should my child have an eye exam if they are undergoing myopia control treatment?
Children undergoing myopia control treatment should have eye exams at least every six months to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to their treatment.

Q: Can lifestyle changes alone be effective for myopia control?
Lifestyle changes, such as increasing outdoor time and reducing screen use, are important for myopia prevention and control, but they are most effective when combined with other myopia control treatments.

Q: How do I know which myopia control option is best for my child?
Your optometrist will evaluate your child's vision and overall eye health to recommend the most suitable myopia control option based on their needs and lifestyle. Contact us if you have any questions!

Category: Myopia

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