Finding Relief: How Neurolens® Can Alleviate Eye Strain

March 21, 2024

This blog introduces Neurolens®, a groundbreaking technology designed to alleviate eye strain caused by visual strain and misalignment of the eyes, known as binocular vision dysfunction (BVD). It highlights how Neurolens® uses a contoured prism in eyeglass lenses to correct eye misalignment, significantly reducing visual system stress and improving overall visual comfort. The technology targets the root causes of eye strain, offering benefits such as reduced eye strain, enhanced visual comfort, improved focus and concentration, and tailored solutions to meet individual visual needs. Neurolens® represents a promising solution for those suffering from persistent eye strain, providing a customized approach to address specific visual challenges and improve quality of life.

Eye strain is a widespread issue that can significantly affect one's quality of life. For some individuals, the root cause of their eye strain lies in visual strain and misalignment of the eyes, a condition known as binocular vision dysfunction (BVD). In recent years, a revolutionary solution has emerged in the field of optometry – Neurolens® technology. Let's explore how Neurolens® can offer relief to those suffering from persistent eye strain.

Visual factors, such as eye strain, improper eye alignment, and focusing issues, can contribute to eye strain. Extended periods of screen time, reading, or exposure to bright lights can worsen these symptoms. Individuals with binocular vision dysfunction may experience eye strain as a result of the increased effort required by the brain to maintain proper focus.

How is Neurolens® Technology a Game-Changer for Eye Strain Relief?

Neurolens® is an innovative eyewear technology designed to address the underlying causes of eye strain related to visual overstimulation. By incorporating a contoured prism into eyeglass lenses, Neurolens® aims to correct the misalignment of the eyes associated with BVD. This correction helps reduce the strain on the visual system, providing relief from eye strain and associated symptoms.

Key Benefits of Neurolens® for Eye Strain Relief:

For those seeking relief from persistent eye strain, Neurolens® technology represents a promising solution. By targeting the underlying causes of visual discomfort and misalignment, Neurolens® eyewear can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of eye strain symptoms. If you've been experiencing eye strain related to visual strain, consider reaching out to us or taking the quiz to find out whether Neurolens® technology is the right choice for you.

Take The Quiz Book Now

Written on behalf of My Optometrist Calgary.


Q: Can Neurolens® help reduce eye strain?
A: Yes, Neurolens® is specifically designed to reduce eye strain by addressing the underlying causes of visual overstimulation and misalignment.

Q: What are the benefits of using Neurolens®?
A: Benefits include reduced eye strain, improved visual comfort, enhanced focus and concentration, and personalized solutions to address individual visual needs.

Q: Can Neurolens® improve productivity?
A: Yes, by reducing eye strain and improving visual efficiency, Neurolens® can lead to better concentration and increased productivity in daily activities.

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