Calgary Myopia: 7 Tips for Managing Myopia in Calgary’s Youth

June 6, 2024
Calgary Myopia: 7 Tips for Managing Myopia in Calgary’s Youth

Managing myopia in Calgary’s youth involves various strategies to protect and improve eye health. Encouraging outdoor activities helps reduce the risk of myopia progression, while limiting screen time can prevent eye strain. Creating a well-lit and ergonomic study environment supports good vision habits. Regular eye exams are crucial for early detection and management, and using the correct prescription lenses, including myopia control lenses, can effectively manage myopia. A balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals promotes overall eye health. Educating children about proper eye care empowers them to take responsibility for their vision. At My Optometrist Calgary, we offer comprehensive eye care services to help manage myopia and ensure optimal eye health for your child - book an appointment today!

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a growing concern among children and adolescents in Calgary. With increasing screen time, less outdoor play, and other lifestyle factors, more young people are experiencing difficulty seeing distant objects clearly. At My Optometrist Calgary, we understand the challenges that come with managing myopia in today’s digital age. To help parents and caregivers, we've compiled seven practical tips to manage and potentially slow the progression of myopia in Calgary’s youth. By following these tips, you can help your child maintain better eye health and overall well-being.

1. Encourage Outdoor Activities

Spending time outdoors is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of myopia progression in children. Studies have shown that natural light and the opportunity to focus on distant objects help in preventing the worsening of nearsightedness.

Encouraging your child to engage in outdoor activities such as playing sports, hiking, or simply enjoying time at the park can be beneficial. Aim for at least 1-2 hours of outdoor play each day. The natural light exposure and the varied visual distances help relax the eyes, reducing the strain that contributes to myopia.

2. Limit Screen Time

Excessive screen time is a significant factor in the development and progression of myopia. The blue light emitted from screens and the constant close-up focus can strain young eyes, leading to worsening vision.

Set limits on screen time for your children, especially for non-educational purposes. Encourage breaks using the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, have them look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This helps reduce eye strain and gives their eyes a much-needed break from close-up focus.

3. Create an Eye-Friendly Study Environment

A well-lit and ergonomically designed study space can significantly reduce eye strain and support better vision health for your child.

Ensure your child’s study area is well-lit with natural or artificial lighting that minimizes glare. The desk and chair should be at a comfortable height to promote good posture. Encourage them to keep their books or screens at an appropriate distance, about 18-24 inches from their eyes, to reduce strain.

4. Regular Eye Exams

Routine eye exams are crucial for early detection and management of myopia. An optometrist can monitor changes in your child’s vision and recommend appropriate corrective measures.

Schedule regular eye exams for your child, ideally once a year or as recommended by your optometrist. Early detection allows for timely intervention, such as prescription glasses or contact lenses, which can help manage myopia effectively and prevent further progression.

5. Use Corrective Lenses

Wearing the correct prescription lenses is essential for managing myopia. There are also specialized lenses designed to slow the progression of myopia in children.

Consult with your optometrist about the best options for your child, including regular glasses, contact lenses, or myopia control lenses. Myopia control lenses, such as multifocal or orthokeratology lenses, are specifically designed to reduce the progression of nearsightedness in children.

6. Promote a Balanced Diet

A nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports overall eye health and can help in managing myopia.

Encourage your child to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin A, and vitamin C, such as fish, carrots, and citrus fruits, are particularly beneficial for maintaining good eye health.

7. Educate About Proper Eye Care

Teaching your child about the importance of eye care and healthy habits can empower them to take responsibility for their vision health.

Discuss with your child the significance of taking care of their eyes. Teach them to avoid rubbing their eyes, to wash their hands frequently, and to take regular breaks during tasks that require prolonged close-up focus. Instilling these habits early can lead to lifelong practices that support good eye health.

Managing myopia in Calgary’s youth requires a multifaceted approach that includes outdoor activities, limited screen time, a conducive study environment, regular eye exams, proper corrective lenses, a balanced diet, and education about eye care. At My Optometrist Calgary, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive eye care services and support to help your child achieve optimal vision health. By following these tips and working closely with your optometrist, you can help slow the progression of myopia and ensure your child enjoys clear, comfortable vision throughout their life. Regular check-ups and proactive care are key to managing myopia effectively in Calgary’s unique environment - call us for more information or book an appointment for your child today!


Q: What are the signs that my child might have myopia?
A: Signs include squinting, difficulty seeing distant objects clearly, frequent headaches, and eye strain. Regular eye exams can help detect myopia early.

Q: What are myopia control lenses?
A: Myopia control lenses, including multifocal and orthokeratology lenses, are specially designed to slow the progression of nearsightedness in children.

Q: How can I teach my child proper eye care habits?
A: Educate your child about not rubbing their eyes, washing hands frequently, taking regular breaks during close-up tasks, and the importance of outdoor play. Call us or book an appointment for personalized care and information.

Category: Myopia

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